Contact us.

To help us best serve your enquiry, could you please describe the service you require.

You may also email or call us to make an appointment. Our general response time is one business day.

Now located The Bakehouse, The Old Co-Op Bakery, Borough Rd, Darwen, BB3 2FT

email : or Tel: Sandra on 07917 283953

Opening times

Every Saturday 9am till 4pm and Sunday 10am till 3pm

Darwen Auctioneers,

Located The Old Co-Op Bakehouse, Borough Rd, Darwen, BB3 2FT

email or Tel : Sandra 07917 283 953

Opening Times

Viewing day, Friday 10am - 4pm the day before the auction.

Monday - Friday 10am till 4pm

Saturday 10am till 4pm

Sunday 10am till 4pm